POSH | Perpetuating Our School Heritage
Your support helps uphold academic excellence and high standards
We are excited to announce the annual auction and gala event, Perpetuating Our School and Heritage (POSH), is scheduled for Saturday, November 23. This year we will be celebrating the event’s 40th anniversary.
Your support will help fund the Armenian Sisters Academy’s operating costs and enhance academics, including art, athletic, and science/STEM programs. Most importantly, it helps achieve the school’s mission – to provide excellence in education based on Christian values – and empower each child to reach his or her full potential.
We hope you and your family will join us at the event, which will include a silent and live auction. Additionally, we have a live online auction filled with amazing gifts. Please consider participating, especially if you are unable to attend. All proceeds benefit the Academy.
We also welcome your support through sponsorships. Sponsorship levels will be acknowledged at the event and included in the Ardziv newsletter, which is sent to 2,800 families.
Thank you for your ongoing patronage. We look forward to seeing you there!
Sosi Hovagimian + Nora Kzirian
2024 POSH Co-Chairperson

Become a POSH Sponsor
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